Our Daily Schedule
- 8:00 Morning routine and breakfast
- 8:20 Morning Math Meeting
- 8:50 Writing
- 9:20 Wonders Reading
- 10:00 Guided Reading Groups
- 10:40 Social Studies and Science
- 11: 20 Lunch
- 11:40 Recess
- 12:05 Specials (Art, Music, Physical Education)
- 12:50 Math
- 1:50 Recess
- 2:05 Snack / Read Aloud
- 2:20 RTI (Response to Intervention)
- 3:25 Dismissal
Tips to keep your second grade skills sharp:
- Do Multiplication with Equal Groups
- Add and Subtract Numbers
- Visit the Library
- Research a Topic
- Keep a Journal/Diary
- Read Aloud
- Count Coins
- Write Friendly Letters
- Make Grocery Lists